2020 Building the City from the Inside: Architecture and Urban Transformation in Los Angeles, Porto, and Las Vegas, PhD Diss. (KTH Royal Institute of Technology: Stockholm, 2020).
2020 “Affect beyond the Atrium Effect”, Deleuze, Guattari, and the Affects of Architecture, ed. Marko Jobst & Hélène Frichot, (Routledge: London, forthcoming).
2019 “Inside the Backside: On Infrastructures of Desire”, Civic Spaces of Desire, ed. Charles Drozynski & Diana Beljaars, (Routledge: London, 2019).
2019 “Smooth Montage”, in After Effects: Theories and Methodologies in Architecture, ed. Hélène Frichot & Gunnar Sandin, (Actar: Barcelona, 2019).
2018 “Den romerska stadsmurens föränderlighet”, Plan 2/3 2018, Stockholm, co-written with Clara Rodriguez Lorenzo.
2017 “Detroit Archaeology Train”, drawing, The Book of Circles: Visualizing Spheres of Knowledge, ed. Manuel Lima, (Princeton Architectural Press: New York, 2017)
2017 “Infrastructural Love”, Architecture & Feminism: Ecologies, Economies, and Technologies, ed. Frichot, Gabrielsson, Runting (Routledge: London, 2017) in collaboration with Olga Tengvall.
2017 “Staging the Intermission”, Journal of Space Syntax 7/2 (2017).
2016 "Toxic Asset Horror Cabinet", Fairy Tales: When Architecture Tells a Story, Vol 3, (Blank Space: New York, 2016).
2015 “Book review: Keller Easterling’s Extrastatecraft”, Arkitektur no 3 (2015: Stockholm).
2014 “Blasphemous Special Economic Zone”, conference paper, Architecture and Writing: Archtheo ’14 Conference (Istanbul, 2014).
2013 “Stagehouse”, SOILED 4 (Chicago, 2013).
2013 “Woolopolis”, Future Arquitecturas 39-40 (Madrid, 2013).
2012 “Excavating Detroit: Archaeological Research Center”, Nordic Journal of Architecture 3(2012, Köpenhamn), 129.
2012 "Woolopolis", Concept: Monthly Magazine of Architecture Vol. 161 (Seoul, 2012). w. Henry Stephens
2012 "Scamscraper", Book of Mazes (Chile, 2012) w. Henry Stephens
2005 “En simulering av metropolis: Jean Baudrillard och Los Angeles”, Subaltern 2 (Umeå, 2005).